Consulting Focus
Site Analysis & Infrastructure
Perform zone and sector analysis to identify sun, water, wind, site use patterns, and other site-specific details.
Read the microclimates of your site to optimize planting locations.
Learn about drainage and water harvesting opportunities.
Analyze irrigation systems and design for efficient water use.
Discover the pros and cons of a range of landscaping materials.
Get a realistic view of the risks to your property from wildfire and extreme weather.
Inventory your tools and get recommendations on how to use your tools and other tools needed.
Ecological Gardening & Landscaping
Learn how to improve soil through compost and other soil amendments, fertilizer, and mulch options.
Interpret soil test results and recommendations as well as USDA soil maps.
Get drought tolerant plant recommendations.
Identify the plants on your property and how to care for them.
Improve the habitat of your site with Pacific Northwest native plants and other herbs and flowers that attract pollinators and wildlife.
Choose the right plant(s) for the right (locations).
Choose pest and disease resistant plant varieties.
Learn the proper care (sun, soil, water, and pruning) for all types of plants including: trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables, and herbs.
Get practical advice about lawn care and ecolowans.
Assess the health of your trees and get recommendations for care and referrals for trustworthy arborists/tree care professionals.
Set yourself up for success growing your own fruits, vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers.
Get sound advice about the viability and practicality of your farming, landscaping, nursery, or other enterprise.
Integrated Pest Management & Pesticide Safety
Identify weeds and invasive plants and learn effective non-chemical and chemical management options.
Identify plant problems (non-living such as drought stress, insects, and diseases) and learn effective non-chemical and chemical management options.
- Learn the pros and cons of pest and weed management options.
- Create an integrated pest management (IPM) plan for your property.
- Understand timing and safety considerations for the judicious use of pesticides.
- Get referrals for reliable pest management companies to meet your management goals.
Permaculture, Organics, and Pesticides
I've seen it all when it comes to garden, landscape, and plant challenges/opportunities through 15 years as Community and Urban Horticulturist for OSU Extension Service and 10 years working for ecological landscaping companies in California and New Mexico.
I can help you effectively choose the right methods to meet your garden, landscape, and property goals.
For me, permaculture is a great way to align values such as care for earth and care for people into a wholistic design methodology. Permaculture is where I started my own journey into horticulture, property management, and natural resources.
I am fluent in permaculture terms and can help you understand the pros and cons of related land management methods.
I can help you understand the pros and cons and how to apply "Organic" fertilizer and pesticide products as defined by the US Department of Agriculture.
As a licensed pesticide consultant through the Oregon Department of Agriculture, I can help you interpret pesticide labels including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and rodenticides.
Here is a great set of information for which I am co-author and publisher on non-chemical land management approaches and pesticide safety (from OSU's Solve Pest Problems).
Communication Style
I will meet you where you are at and provide kind, empathetic, and compassionate communication.